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About chair


is chair

Chair director: Kadirov Saxobiddin Sharofovich

  • Kadirovsaxobiddin1245@gmail.com
  • (71) 260-50-66
  • Har kuni 10:00-17:00




      The department of accounting in the agro-industry was first established in 1965 under the name of the department of "Accounting and Finance". In 1996 it was renamed the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Finance. In different years, the department was headed by Associate Professor RN Mosheev, Associate Professor MA Khashimjanov, Professor RR Radjapov. At that time, associate professors: R.Safarova, M.Rixsiyev, Ch.Rizayev, S.Dehkanov, I.Asrorov, S.Abdullayev, L.Mutakharov, B.Mamatkulov, U.Tulaev, senior teachers Sh.Mannonov , Y.Rahimov, T.Saidibragimov, N.Rahimov, T.Pak, M.Kimsanboyeva, assistants P.Rahimov, S.Khasanov, J.Hamzayev, A.Isakov, A.Yusubova, Sh.Dehqonova, T.Rakhmatkhodjayev, S. Turaev and others. Professors and teachers of the department RRRadjapov textbook "Accounting in Agriculture", RDDusmuratov "Fundamentals of Auditing", "Accounting Theory", "Finance" textbooks, RDDusmuratov, BYMenglikulov "Accounting in Agriculture" and Basics of Statistics ”textbook,“ Agricultural Statistics ”textbook by S. Dehkanov,“ Financial Accounting ”textbook by RDDusmuratov, BYMenglikulov, IRDavletov, RD Dusmuratov, IRDavletov, ASBoltaevs “Economic analysis and audit” textbook, RDDusmuratov, DUMamadiyarov, ASBoltaev “Taxes and taxation” textbook, RDDusmuratov, DUMamadiyarov, ASBoltaevs "Economic Analysis" textbook, "Accounting and Taxation" by BY Menglikulov and H. Nazarov, RDDusmuratov "On the completion of the dissertation" RDDusmuratov, BY Menglikulov , IRDav Letov published a manual "Industrial Practice" and guidelines and lectures for the course work in the disciplines.

Since 2018, the department is called "Accounting in Agriculture." Since 1999, the head of the department is the Honored Worker of Higher Education of Uzbekistan, Ph.D., Professor RD Dusmuratov.


    At present, the department has associate professors: BYMenglikulov, BMDjurayev, DUMamadiyarov, IRDavletov, NRRakhmonov, OAMasharipov, senior teachers ASBoltaev, UXurmanova, assistants HHNazarov, SIXujamurodova, GBTursunkulova, AUVafoev, GOT The Babadjanovs are still active.


  • 5230900-Accounting and auditing (in the agricultural sector)
    5233100-Accounting in agro-industry


  • • Accounting theory
    • Finance
    • Money and banks
    • Taxes and taxation
    • Insurance case
    • Financial accounting
    • Management account
    • Financial analysis
    • Accounting
    • On-farm accounting
    • Budget account
    • Accounting in banks
    • Accounting and taxation in agriculture
    • Accounting and taxation
    • International Standards on Auditing
    • International Financial Reporting Standards


     The department trains undergraduate students in the areas of 5230900-Accounting and Auditing (in the agricultural sector) and 5233100-Agro-Industrial Accounting.
Students of 5230900-Accounting and Auditing (in the agricultural sector) and 5233100-Accounting in Agro-industry: Accounting Theory, Finance, Money and Banks, Taxes and Taxation, Insurance, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Financial Analysis, Accounting, Farm Accounting, Budget Accounting, Banking Accounting, Agricultural Accounting and Taxation, Accounting and Taxation, International Standards on Auditing, International Financial Reporting Standards classes will be held.


    Since its inception, the department has prepared 4 doctoral and more than 30 candidate dissertations. They work abroad and in our country in their fields.
For the last 5 years, the department has been working on the department QQA-2-032-2015 "Improvement of information-analytical support and audit of management of intellectual property in agriculture" (for 2015-2017, project manager RDDusmuratov), ​​QXI-1- Research work on innovative projects No. 005-2015 "Introduction of methodological developments for the formation of accounting policies in farms" (for 2015-2016, project manager BYMenglikulov).
    In 2018, the basic doctoral student IRDavletov defended his dissertation on "Improvement of information-analytical support and audit of management of intellectual property in agriculture" and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics by the HAC.