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About chair


Agroculture is chair

Chair director: Saidova Dildora Nurmatovna

  • dsaidova@rambler.ru
  • (71) 260-50-66
  • Har kuni 10:00-17:00




  • In 1953, the Department of "Organization of Agricultural Production" was established.
    1953-1956 Associate Professor V.Y.Konkov;
    1956-1979 Honored Economist of the Republic, Professor GM Mirkarimov;
    1979-1989 Associate Professor B.Raximov;
    In 1989-1994, it was headed by Associate Professor M. Khoshimjanov.
    1994, the department was renamed "Microeconomics".
    1994-1998, Associate Professor B. Rakhimov;
    From 1998 to 2003, Professor GA Samatov headed the department.
    Since July 2003, the department was renamed "Economics".
    In 2003-2004, Associate Professor P. Kasimbekov worked as the head of the department.
    Since September 2004, entitled "Economics and Management of Farms and Other Agricultural Enterprises."
    Since April 2010, it has been called the Department of Farm Management
    From 2004 to 2011, the department was headed by Professor GA Samatov;
    From 2012 to 2015, headed by Associate Professor R.Kh. Pulatova.
    On April 7, 2015, the department was renamed the Department of "Management in Agriculture" and headed by i.f.d., Professor E.D. Yusupov has been appointed.
    On May 8, 2018, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No PP-3704, the department was renamed "Agribusiness and investment activities."
  • From December 2021, the department was renamed "Agroeconomics and Tourism."


    Currently, the department has i.f.d. under the direction of professor EDYusupov professors: A.Abdugaffarov, G.Samatov, A.Mamatkulov, RGaybullayev, associate professors: ZTSiddikov, N.Mardiyev, A.Toshboyev, Z.Kusharov, AUMuratov, TIJurayev, Sh. Allayarov Senior Teachers; GKNarinbayeva, NSDehqonova, FRGalimova, FRIslomov, NAAliyeva, OBGaybullayev, assistants: DG.Yangiboyev, ABInobatov, QG.Muratov, K.Shodmonkulov, S.Davlatov, DZKhayitboyeva, M.Mirzayev, N Boltaev, U. Gulbaev, Sh. Tukhtamishev, A. Oblokulov, H. Yangibaev, J. Rozikov, M. Achilov, OVTonkikh, U. Beglayev, R. Azimov.


  • 5420100-Management in Agriculture
    5232100-Agrobizns and investment activities


  • 5A420101- Management in Agriculture


  • Agrarian market management
    Farm management
    Economic geography
    Organization of agricultural production
    Fundamentals of scientific research in agricultural management
    Agricultural leasing services
    Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics and Management
    Management of investment processes in agriculture
    Establishment of a diversified farm
    Management in agriculture

Master's degree:

  • Methods of teaching special subjects
    Sustainable management of agricultural resources
    Product market and strategic management
    International management
    Research in Agricultural Management
    Innovation management
    Corporate governance in agriculture


    The department prepares qualified specialists for undergraduate students in the field of "Management in Agriculture", master's degree in "Agribusiness and Investment Activity" and "Management in Agriculture". The department and the university library have literature on the disciplines taught at the department, in addition, teaching aids for each subject are developed, their electronic and printed versions are available in the university library. students are allowed to use them. They have a bachelor's degree in "Agricultural Market Management", "Farm Management", "Economic Geography", "Agrologistics", "Organization of Agricultural Production", "Agroconsulting", "Agriculture". Fundamentals of scientific research in agricultural management ”,“ Leasing services in agriculture ”,“ Fundamentals of agricultural economics and management ”,“ Management of investment processes in agriculture ”,“ Establishment of diversified farms ”,“ Management in Agriculture ”lectures and practical classes. Currently, the department has 10 masters in the field of management in agriculture, and these specialists are trained in "Methods of teaching special disciplines", "Sustainable Management of Agricultural Resources", "Product Market and Strategic Management", "International Management", " Lectures and practical classes on "Scientific research in agricultural management", "Innovative management", "Corporate governance in agriculture". Over the past 5 years, teachers of the department have published 3 textbooks, 2 monographs, 12 textbooks.

    Teachers of the department are working on the preparation of textbooks, manuals, guidelines, text of lectures. The department has a methodical room equipped with educational and methodical, spiritual and educational literature. The department has a schedule of science advisers, who answer students' questions and give advice on the development of independent study topics.
Professors and teachers of the department in the 2017-2018 academic year "Legal framework for the organization of fisheries" textbook for professional colleges, textbook on "Agrologistics", "Rural Textbook and manual for practical training on the subject "Management in the field", Textbook and manual for practical training on the subject "Organization of agricultural production", course work on the subject "Agroconsulting" Methodical instructions on implementation of the course project on subjects "Management of investment processes in agriculture", "Organization of agricultural production", "Management in agriculture", faculty III Methodical instructions on the internship of students of the IV stage, methodical instructions on the internship of students of the IV stage of the faculty were prepared and published.


     The Department of Agribusiness and Investment Activities has a Student Scientific Society (STS) called the Club of Young Entrepreneurs.
The work plan of the Student Scientific Society for the 2017-2018 academic year was approved, according to which in September, talented students studying in the field of "Management in Agriculture" were selected, and the students selected topics and worked. plans were drawn up and attached to supervisors. Questionnaires, work plans and research papers of each gifted student at the department are kept in manuscript form. In addition, extracts were made from the minutes of the meeting on the topic of scientific work and the distribution of work plans. During the 2017-2018 academic year, a “Young Entrepreneurs Club” was established to assist students in mastering programs in specialty subjects according to the plan of the student society. In the scientific society of students began training courses on "Organization and management of agricultural enterprises", "Management of investment processes and business planning in agriculture" and "Fundamentals of scientific research in agricultural management." It is attended by more than 70 talented students of our faculty. During the academic year, the department organized roundtable discussions for students who are members of the Student Scientific Society.    According to the plan of public lectures of the Student Scientific Society in September 2017, the head of the department "Agribusiness and Investment Activity", IFD, Professor EDYusupov "Problems of specialization of farms and mutual integration of agricultural sectors in the context of structural restructuring of the economy." , in November, the Department of "Management in Agriculture" Professor A.Abdugaffarov "Modern methods of farm management", in December, Professor GA Samatov "Opportunities for the development of agriculture through the introduction of innovative mechanisms", 2018 In January, Associate Professor A.Tashbaev made a presentation on "Problems of optimizing the composition of crops in diversified farms." In February of this year, Associate Professor N. Mardiyev "Methods of evaluation of investment projects on the basis of multiple criteria", in March, Associate Professor Z. Kusharov "Improvement of state management of agricultural enterprises, improvement of state management of agricultural enterprises", Associate Professor Z. Siddikov at a meeting of the Student Scientific Society on "Ways to improve contractual relations in agriculture and improve the economy of farms", "Opportunities for modernization of agriculture and increasing the capacity of farms to expand reproduction" in May read lectures.

     Minavvarov Mardonbek Muzaffar oglu Internal scholarships of the University named after E.Shaykhov for bachelors of the Republic of Uzbekistan The winner of the competition in 2018, Abdushukuruv Jasur Gayrat oglu fogged Mustaqillik University’s internal scholarships were the winners of the 2018 competition.
In 2017, test variants were prepared to select gifted students from among the 1st year students, and group coaches assisted in conducting the tests. The test questions are mainly at the secondary and tertiary special education level and include economic, social and political questions as well as spirituality questions. Each option contained 50 test questions and was presented to students. According to the results of the test, first-year students are attached to the teachers of the department and conduct research on the chosen topic. Admitted as gifted students, they develop individual work plans with the research supervisor on the selected research topic, study the literature on the topic, prepare scientific articles, and participate in national and international scientific conferences. On September 25, 2017, professors and members of the student scientific community of the Department of "Management in Agriculture" gathered to discuss the content of the speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 19, 2017 in New York, United States of America. stressed. The President raised a number of topical issues in his speech. First of all, he said that the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 has been introduced and it will bear fruit in the future. The President addressed the participants of the session with a proposal to adopt a special resolution of the UN General Assembly entitled "Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance". At the end of the event, the head of the department EDYusupov said that the priorities of economic development and liberalization are to further strengthen macroeconomic stability and maintain high economic growth, deepen structural reforms, increase its competitiveness through modernization and diversification of key sectors of the national economy. Continuation of institutional and structural reforms aimed at modernization and accelerated development of the economy, reduction of state participation in the economy, protection and strengthening of private property rights, promotion of small business and private entrepreneurship, and comprehensive and balanced development of regions, districts and cities Emphasizing that socio-economic development is an effective and optimal use of their existing potential, I hope that talented students will contribute to the solution of these issues. h reported.
     On December 12, 2017, an event was organized with 4th year students of the Faculty of Agricultural Management on the occasion of the Day of Agricultural Workers. The event was attended by teachers of the department, talented students. The main issue is to study the content of the speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev at the event dedicated to the "Day of Agricultural Workers" on 09.12.2017, which focused on the priorities of agricultural workers. 'kidlandi. The 4th year students of the faculty received answers to their questions during the event. On January 22, 2018, an event was organized to discuss the topic “2018 - the Year of Active Entrepreneurship, Support of Innovative Ideas and Technologies”. The event was attended by the assistant of the Department of Accounting A.Vafoev, the authors of the project "My virtual world", who presented clips from their creative work. At the event, it was noted that this year is the year of talents, the process of innovation in the agro-industrial society is accompanied by radical changes in the sectoral structure of the economy of developed countries. , it was noted that in the current complex transition period, when profound qualitative changes are taking place in the system of economic and all social relations, significant structural changes are taking place in the economy.The study of structural changes in all agricultural enterprises, the development of priority ways and means of implementation of innovation activities is one of the important tasks of today, focusing on increasing innovation activity. The purpose of agricultural reforms is to achieve sustainable development of the economy in the production process, the use of the latest advances in science and technology, the improvement of production innovation, the role of innovation in improving social protection and welfare of the population. consists of The policy is based on the country's large natural resources, efficient use of domestic potential, development of science-based sectors of the economy in agriculture and industry and their investment in solving domestic economic problems, employment and others. II scientific-practical conference of talented young students and masters on "Development of the country through the eyes of youth" on May 7, 2018 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University "2018 - the Year of Active Entrepreneurship, Support of Innovative Ideas and Technologies" TIJ members took an active part in this conference with their reports and theses.
     Every month of the 2017-2018 academic year, the Department of "Management in Agriculture" held a meeting of the student scientific society, where reports on the work of students who are members of the student scientific society. discussion was held. Among the talented students in 2017, the first-year master Khamdamov Shahzod is the owner of the state scholarship "Beruniy", the student of group 4-34 Rasulova Mukhlisa is the owner of the scholarship "IAKarimov", the student of group 4-41 Yuldashev Abdulaziz is the owner of the internal scholarship "Erkin Shaykhov" was. Talented students who have achieved these successes spoke at meetings about their activities and research, and involved other students in research.
Members of the student scientific community took part in the event, which was held at Tashkent State Agrarian University on May 28, 2018 in accordance with the United Nations program on "Global problems in agriculture and their solutions". They increased their knowledge. The results of research institutes, projects carried out by young scientists in agriculture and projects were presented at the event.        The Forestry Research Institute provided information on how to organize agroforestry. At the same time, indoor water supply systems in Uzbekistan are a promising system of fish farming, with recommendations on how to grow firewood for family needs in the desert, the cultivation of high-grade pistachio plantations in the foothills of Uzbekistan. introduced. The event featured posters, handouts, recommendations, and magazines on global issues in agriculture and their solutions. Representatives of foreign countries cooperating with the Agrarian University also took part in the event, which was held under the auspices of the United Nations program "Global problems in agriculture and their solutions" and talked about their experiences with students.This allows students studying a foreign language to learn new foreign experiences in their field, as well as to have a more positive opinion of the students at the university.