June 5, online registration of applicants for bachelor directions of HEI for the 2024-2025 academic year will start.
Applicants' phone numbers need to be authorized and enter passport data, address of permanent residence, information about the graduated educational institution, and also check if there are any benefits for them, if there are national or international certificates in a foreign language, information about them can be entered.
The direction of study at universities for the 2024-2025 academic year will be possible to select after the parameters of the state order for admission to training determined and approved in the context of languages.
Registration of applicants will be carried out online through the website of the Agency for the Assessment of Knowledge and Qualifications under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan my.uzbmb.uz and a single interactive portal of public services (my.gov.uz).
Registration will be open until June 25 inclusive and applicants may change their information until this term, as well as, if before this time they receive national or international certificates in a foreign language can add this information.
Phone number of Call-center:
+998 71 200 03 34
+998 71 260 45 13
+998 71 260 50 69
+998 71 260 43 82
Working time of Call-center:
From Monday to Saturday - from 09:00 to 17:00
Press service of the State Testing Center.