Tashkent :      Flag  Emblem  Gimn Sitemap

Head of the department:  Kamilov Bobur Sultonovich

Reception time: Every weekday
Telephone: (71) 260-77-40
E-mail:  kamilov@mail.ru

    The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and “On the National Program for Personnel Training” and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Further Development of the Higher Education System”, in accordance with the socio-economic reforms and further improvement of the quality of education in the system of continuous education, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the organization of the activities of Inspection of the quality of education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of  Uzbekistan ”in 2017 in order to implement the state policy in the field of monitoring the quality of education and the effectiveness of the educational process. Resolution number 515 of July 18In accordance with paragraph 14 of this decision, the “Agrarian University of Tashkent” in the “Supervision of the quality of education”, consisting of 3 employees (head of department and 2 senior employees) appointed and dismissed on the recommendation of the head of the State Inspectorate was created. The department is responsible for studying and analyzing the qualifications of university students in accordance with state educational standards, monitoring the quality of personnel training, organizing internal certification of the university and the results of internal certification, provide information to the university's rector and the State Inspectorate. Approved by the Department of quality control in education. It is an integral part of the university's quality management system, and its main goal is to ensure consistent and coordinated measures to ensure that the quality of education meets the requirements of state educational standards and the efficiency of the educational process at the university, implementation of measures. The department of quality control of education is directly subordinate to the university rector.

The main tasks and functions of the department:

The main tasks of the department are:

  • analysis and examination of educational areas and specialties of state educational standards (DTS), qualification requirements, curricula and scientific programs;