Abduganiyeva Feruza Zayirkulovna’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.11-“Storage and processing of agricultural products” on the topic “Selection of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus l.) varieties suitable for processing and improvement of processing technology” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on February 25, in 2025 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Kurbanov Khayot Uktamovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.06 –“Vegetable growing” on the topic “The effect of planting dates and patterns on the yield of leek (Allium porrum L.) under the conditions of the samarkand region” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on February 25, in 2025 at 16:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Defense of the doctoral dissertation (PhD) by Rakhimov Khurmat Nurmatovich in the specialty 01.06.04 - “Agrochemistry” (agricultural sciences) on the topic “Analysis of agrochemical indicators of irrigated soils based on GIS technologies and development of scientific foundations for effective methods of using fertilizers (In the example of Shavat district of Khorezm region)” will be held at a meeting of the academic council DSc.05/07.06.2024.Qx.13.03 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University on January 18th, 2024 at 10:00 o’clock. Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibray district, University street, 2nd. Phone: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:
The defense of the dissertation by Holmatov Bobir Tashpulatovich on the topic "Changes in the agrophysical properties of slightly saline gray-meadow soils under the influence of applied agricultural technologies" (on the example of the Pakhtakor district of the Jizzakh region) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences, specialty 06.01.03 - Agro-soil Science and Agrophysics, will be held on January 10, 2025 at 14:00 in the small conference hall of the university at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.05/07.06.2024.Qx.13.03 at Tashkent State Agrarian University.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibray district, 2 Universitetskaya Street. Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tel.: (71) 260-48-00, Fax: (71) 260-38-60 e-xat: E-mail:
The defense of Kdirbaeva Gulan Utebaevna's dissertation on the topic "Improving the efficiency of land use as a result of improving agricultural specialization (using the example of the Republic of Karakalpakstan)" prepared for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in agricultural sciences in the specialty 06.01.10 - "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" will take place on January 17, 2025, at 1400 at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.05/07.06.2024.Qx.13.03 at the Tashkent State Agrarian Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibray district, Universitetskaya street,Building 2. Tel.: (71) 260-48-00, Fax: (71) 260-38-60 e-mail: E-mail:
Defense of the doctoral dissertation (PhD) by Tashkulov Salimjon Mamatnazarovich in the specialty 01.06.04 - “Agrochemistry” (agricultural sciences) on the topic “Improving NPK ratios in cotton fertilization in the conditions of Surkhandarya region” will be held at a meeting of the academic council DSc.05/07.06.2024.Qx.13.03 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University on December 28, 2024 at 12:00 o’clock.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibray district, University street, 2nd. Phone: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:
Defense of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (in agricultural sciences) Kaypnazarov Jandos Jumambetovich na on the topic “The influence of waste and residues on the agrochemical properties of irrigated soils and the yield of winter wheat.(on the example of irrigated meadow-brown and meadow soils of the novoi region)” in the specialty 06.01.04 - Agrochemistry will be held at a meeting of the academic council DSc.05/07.06.2024.Qx.13.03 at Tashkent State Agrarian University on January 18, 2025 at 12:00 am.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Sarmanov Sherzod Breeding productive and early ripening varieties of barley (H. vulgare L., H. disticum L.), adapted to the conditions of the southern regions of Uzbekistan, and improving seed production 06.01.05 - the defense of a dissertation was prepared for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (DSc) in the specialty “Breeding and Seed Production” at the Tashkent State Agrarian University DSc.05/04.03.2022.Qx 13.01 December 28, 2024 at 10:00 in the hall The Academic Council will take place.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
The defense of the dissertation prepared by Chuliev Maxmatmurod Norbaevich for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences on the topic "Development of irrigation regimes for soybeans as a second crop under water scarcity conditions (in light sierozem soils of Kashkadarya region) " in the specialty 06.01.02 - Melioration and Irrigated Agriculture will take place on December 28, 2024 at 14:00 in the small conference hall of the One-time Scientific Council. This council has been established based on the Scientific Council DSc.05/04.03.2022.Qx.13.01 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University for awarding scientific degrees in agricultural sciences.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Mamutov Bakhram Xojaniyazovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of agricultural sciences (DSc), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01 – Forest cultures. Selection, seed growing and gardening of cities. Agroforestry and protective afforestation on the topic “Silvicultural and ecological basics of creation of forest crops by planting material with a closed root system in the Western Tien-Shan (on the territory of Uzbekistan)” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on december 23, in 2024
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Defense of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (in biological sciences) Tukhtaeva Dinora Navruzovna on the topic "Introduction of Ferula tadshikorum Pimenov in the conditions of the Tashkent oasis" in the specialty 06.03.03 - Introduction of medicinal plants, cultivation technology and agropharmacology will be held at a meeting of the academic council DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at Tashkent State Agrarian University on December 6, 2024 at 10:00 am.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Sultanov Khumayun Mahmudjon ugli the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic “The influence of methods for forming plum varieties on the quality and yield of fruits (on the example of the Andijan region)” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on november 25, in 2024 at 10:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Karimova Dilnoza Zafarzhanovna’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.11 –“Storage and processing of agricultural products” on the topic “Improving technological processes to improve the quality of finished products when drying apple fruits” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on December 16, in 2024 at 1400.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Mamayusupov Abbos Nurkobilovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.06 – “Vegetable growing” on the topic “Technology of growing varieties and hybrids of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in spring greenhouses” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on november 25, in 2024 at 12:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Turakulov Umid Khayitovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic “Selection of varieties, rootstocks in relation to the soil and climatic conditions of the Surkhandarya region and development of effective methods for growing cherry seedlings” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on November 18, in 2024 at 10:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Dissertation of Chorshanbiev Farkhod Makhmatmurodovich for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (DSc) on the topic “Selection of promising forms and creation of berberis varieties” on the basis of a patent for an invention without defending a dissertation at the scientific institution of the Tashkent State University of Agrarian University DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx 13.04 will take place at a meeting of the Academic Council on November 5, 2024 at 12.00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2 nd building. Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 email: ;
Yakubov Shamshod Murtozakulovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.03 –“ Introduction of Medicinal Plants, Cultivation Technology, and Agro-Pharm Ecology” on the topic “Bioecology and propagation technology of chimyon onion (Allium tschimganicum B. Fedtsch.) under the conditions of the Tashkent oasis” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on November 05, in 2024 at 10:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Inomova Munira Murotjon qizi’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01 – “Forest crops. Landscaping of selection, seed production and cities. Agromelioration of forests and the construction of protective forests” on the topic “Technology of intensive cultivation of pistachio seedlings (Pistacia vera L.) grafted into a closed root system” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on October 30, in 2024 at 10:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:
The defense of Julbekov Ibrahim’s dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the topic “The influence of growth regulators on the growth and yield of kishmish grape varieties” (Agricultural sciences) will be held at Scientific Council on awarding scientific degrees No. 05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University on 26 October 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Address: 2, Universitetskaya street, Tashkent region, Kibray district, 100164. Tel. (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Valiyeva Shoira Abdivositovna’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic “Improving the technology of growing seedlings of introduced blackberry varieties (Rubus fruticosus L)” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on Oktabr 26, in 2024 at 12:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Fakhrutdinov Nuritdin Zaynutdinovich the defence of the dissertation of Doctor Scince (DSc) on agricultural sciences, dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit growing” on the topic “Scientific basis of intensive cultivation of citrus plantsand increasing productivity in the conditions of Uzbekistan” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on August 16, in 2024 at 1000.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Kurbanov Ibrahimjon Sharifbаyevich the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01 –“Forest crops. Selection, seed production and urban greening. Forest agromelioration and protection establishment of forests” on the topic “Development of technology for caring for dutch Tulips (Tulipa L.) in the conditions of Uzbekistan” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on August 12, in 2024 at 1000.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Ayasov Xushbek G‘aybullayevich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (on agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.03 – “Introduction of medicinal plants, cultivation technology and agropharmacology” on the topic “Bioecological features and technology of cultivation of Indigofera tinctoria L. and Impatiens balsamina L. in the conditions of the Tashkent oasis.” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on July 23, in 2024 at 1000.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Ziyadov Shuqurillo Rahmatulloyevich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in biologikal sciences) according to the specialtes 06.03.03 – Introduction, cultivation technology and agropharmacology of medicinal plants and 11.00.05 - Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources on the topic “Improving the technologies for growing promising essential oil plants in various environmental conditions (on the example of Tashkent and the Syrdarya region)” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on May 31, in 2024 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Homidov Mirzaobid Khamidovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01 –“Forest crops. Breeding, seed production and urban greening. Agromelioration of forests and establishment of protective forests" on the subject "Bioecology and reproduction technology of viburnum (Viburnum opulus L.)" at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on may 03, in 2024 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Boboyev Sarvar Bahtiyorovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in the biological sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.03 – “Introduction of medicinal plants, cultivation technology and agropharmacology” on the topic “Introduction and bioecology of meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale L.) in the conditions of Tashkent oathis” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on April 3, in 2024 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Xomidov Jasurbek Jamoldinovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (on biological sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.03 – “Introduction of medicinal plants, cultivation technology and agropharmacology” on the topic “Introduction and bioecological characteristics of lavender officinalis (acryleolous) (lavandula angustifolia Mill.) in the conditions of the ferghana valley” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on April 25, in 2024 at 16:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Jamalov Zokhid Zafarovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in a technical sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.11 – “Storage and processing of agricultural products” on the topic “Development of an environmentally safe integrated technology for the production of second-generation bioethanol based on grape pomace” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent state agrarian university, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on April 19, in 2024 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Karakhodjaeva Gulchekhra Mirsobirovna the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic "The efficiency of application of sod-humus system on inter-rows to increase soil fertility and crop productivity in apple orchards (in the conditions of the Tashkent region)" at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on December 28, in 2023 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Kholmirzayev Ilkhomjon Khasanbayevich the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.11 – Storage and processing of agricultural products “Improving methods for storing apples, pears and cherries based on natural polymer preparations” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on December 26, in 2023 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Xakimova Maloxat Xolmuratovna the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01 –“Forest crops. Breeding, seed production and urban greening. Agromelioration of forests and establishment of protective forests” on the topic “Agrotechnics of plantation establishment on the basis of (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) "Dar Katuni variety of hippophae in the Ohangaron river basin” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on Decembry 26, in 2023 at16:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Khalmirzaev Dilmurad Kamilovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (DSc), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic “Agrotechnical principles of creating intensive cherry and plum orchards based on growing seedlings on weak-growing rootstocks” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on December 18, in 2023 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Baratova Mokhidil Rakhimovna’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor on agricultural sciences (DSс), according to the specialty 06.01.06 - Vegetable growing, 06.03.03 - Introduction of medicinal plants, technology of cultivation and agropharmaecology on the topic “Scientific substantiation of the productivity and medicinal properties of some species of the gourd family (Сucurbitaceae Juss.) “ at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on December 12, in 2023 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Karshiyev Alisher Esanovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic “Selection of local and introduced apricot varieties in the conditions of Kashkadarya region and the effect of pruning on yield” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on December 5, in 2023 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Tulaev Doniyor Bakhtiyorovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01 – Forest crops. Selection, seed production and urban greening. Forest agromelioration and protection establishment of forests on the topic “Ecological bases of natural regeneration and selection of promising forms of walnut in the Western Tien Shan” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on December 5, in 2023 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Atamuratova Nafisa Tillaena’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01 –“Forest crops. Breeding, seed production and urban greening. Agromelioration of forests and creation of ptotective forests” on the topic “Study of forest honey plants in terms of species composition, duration of flowering and honey productivity (in the conditions of Surkhandarya region” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on October 24, in 2023 at 10:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Dekhkonova Dilorakhan Rasuljon kizi, the defense of the dissertation of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in biological sciences) according to the specialty 03.00.15 Ichtiology: “The morpho-ekological features of pikeperch fish (Sander lucioperca L) in the Aidar-Arnasay likes system” at the Academic Council of a one-time scientific council for the award of the PhD. 05/30.12.2019. Qx.13.02 degree at the Tashkent State Agrarian University will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on September 30, 2023, at 10:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University Street, 2nd building; Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; Fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:
Secretariat of the scientific council
Kim Svetlana Ilinichna defence of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation (in biological sciences) according to the speciality 03.00.15 – Ichthyology “Limiting features of water quality indicators in aquaculture systems in the Syrdarya basin” for awarding academic degrees PhD.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.02 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on September 29, 2023 at 10:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Toshova Nozima Rajabboyevna defence of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation (in biological sciences) according to the speciality 03.00.15 – Ichthyology “Biological bases for growing cyprinid fish seed material using soy milk in pond fish farming” for awarding academic degrees PhD.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.02 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on September 30, 2023 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Utemuratova Feruza Zhumamuratovna defence of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation (in biological sciences) according to the speciality 03.00.15 – Ichthyology on the topic “Biological basis of exploitation of Aral Sea Artemia populations in fisheries” for awarding academic degrees PhD.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.02 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on September 29, 2023 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Rayimov Bekhruz Ne’mat ugli the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01-Forest crops. Selection, seed production and urban greening. Forest agromelioration and protection establishment of forests “Selection and promising forms of hawthorn (Crataegus L) in the Gissar range” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on October 16, in 2023 at 09:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Gafurdjanov Bobir Tohir son the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01– Forest cultures. Selection, seed growing and gardening of cities. Agroforestry and protective afforestation “Bioecology and technology of ginkgo reproduction (Ginkgo biloba L.)” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on September 25, in 2023 at 11:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; Fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Abdullayev Saidazim Bakhtiyor ugli the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic “Evaluation of morphology, physiology and biochemical indicators of olive varieties (Olea Europae L.) acclimated in the southern regions of Uzbekistan” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on August 28, in 2023 at 1100.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Temirov Jamshid Gulmurzaevich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01 – Forest cultures. Selection, seed growing and gardening of cities. Agroforestry and protective afforestationon the topic “Intensive reproduction by seedlings of paulownia felt (Paulownia tomentosa Steud) and tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera L)” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on sentyabr 06, in 2023 at 10:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Defense of the dissertation of Nafasov Zafar Nurmakhmadovich on the specialty of plant protection – 06.01.09 on the theme “Development of theoretical and practical bases of integrated protection of coniferous trees pests” will take place on «22» August 2023 in 9.00 at the meeting of singular scientific council awarding doctor of science (DSc) degree on the basis of the scientific council awarding scientific degrees DSc.05/04.03.2022.Qx.13.01 at Tashkent state agrarian university.
Address: 100140, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, University street, 2. Administration Building of the Tashkent State Agrarian University. Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00, faks: (99871) 260-38-60.
Secretariat of the scientific council
Bolikulov Farkxod Olimovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.06 –“Vegetable growing” on the topic “Improving the technology of growing cucumber (Cucumis sativus l.) by trellis in open ground” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on August 28, in 2023 at 9:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Bakhramov Ruziboy Mirzamakhsudovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.03.01 - "Forest crops. Breeding , sowing seeds and greening cities. Agro-amelioration of forests and the creation of protective forests" on the topic "Bioecology and cultivation technology of Magnolia grandiflora (Magnolia Grandiflora L.)" at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on August 30, in 2023 at 11:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Akbaraliyev Islombek Rakhimberdiyevich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Study of economic and biological characteristics of walnut (Juglans regia L.) varieties and the effect of fertilizers on seedling cultivation” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on Аugust 30, in 2023 at 9:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Nafasov Zafar Nurmaxmadovichning 06.01.09 – O‘simliklarni himoya qilish ixtisosligi bo‘yicha “Igna bargli daraxtlarni zararkunandalardan uyg‘unlashgan himoya qilishning nazariy va amaliy asoslarini ishlab chiqish” mavzusidagi qishloq xo‘jaligi fanlari doktori (DSc) dissertatsiyasi himoyasi Toshkent davlat agrar universiteti huzuridagi ilmiy darajalar beruvchi DSc.05/04.03.2022.Qx.13.01 raqamli Ilmiy kengash asosidagi bir martalik Ilmiy kengashining 2023-yil 22-avgust, soat 09:00 dagi majlisida bo‘lib o‘tadi.
Manzil: 100140, Toshkent viloyati, Qibray tumani, universitet ko‘chasi 2-uy, Toshkent davlat agrar universiteti.
Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00, faks: (99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Rasulov Khasanboy Ne’matillayevich’s the defence of the dissertation of doctor of philosophy (PhD), dissertations according to the specialty 06.01.03 –“Agropedology and agrophysics” on the topic “analysis and assessment of soil degradation processes in desert pastures based on geoinformation systems (on the example of soils of the Konimekh district)” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.01 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on August 22, in 2023 at 12:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Namozov Ikhtiyor Choriyevichvich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Science (DSc), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic “Scientific basis of agrotechnics of intensive orchards grown on weakly growing rootstocks of apple trees (Malus mill.)” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on August 09, in 2023 at 09:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60
Secretariat of the scientific council
Egamberdiyev Pulatjon Ergashovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic “Influence of budding loads on yield and quality in the cultivation of grape varieties by voish method” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on May 23, in 2023 at 9:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Nazarov Abduqodir Muxammadievich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.11–“Storage and reprocessing of agricultural products” on the topic “Agrobiological evaluation of date varieties and improvement of their drying technology by different methods” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on February 23, in 2023 at 11:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Rakhmatov Anvar Mamatovich’s the defence of the dissertation of doctor of sciences (DSc), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.06- Vegetable growing 06.01.05-Breeding and Seed Production on the topic “Scientific basis of introduction, technology of cultivation and seed production of lettuce and leaf turnip (Brassica rapa L.)” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on May 23, in 2023 at 14:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Abdiyev Zafarali Toshtemirovich 06.01.06-“Vegetables” specialty “Improving the technology of hydroponic cultivation of tomato-like vegetables in greenhouses” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on March 29, in 2023 at 11:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Sattorov Obidjon Odinamakhmadovich’s the defence of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertations (in agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.07 –“Fruit-growing and viticulture” on the topic “Development of morpho-biological features and technology for growing kiwi seedlings (Actinidia Ch.) in the climatic conditions of the Tashkent region” at the Academic Council for awarding academic degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on February 24, in 2023 at 11:00.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Nortojiev Bobosher Sheralievich 06.01.07 - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation (in agricultural sciences) on the topic "Improving the technology of growing plants of lemon and tangerine (Citrus limon B., Citrus reticulate L.) " in the specialty " Fruit growing and viticulture" defense will be held at the meeting of the Scientific Council No. DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at Tashkent State Agrarian University at 9:00 a.m. on februarу 24, 2023.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60 e-mail:;
Secretariat of the scientific council
Yusupov Nurali Sheraliyevich’s defense of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation (agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.11 - “Storage and processing of agricultural products” on theme “Scientific substantiation of the storage of horaki varieties of grapes grown in Fergana and Andijan regions in refrigerated warehouses” under the scientific council awarding scientific degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent state agrarian university, will be held at the meeting of the scientific council on January 10th, 2023 at 0900.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building; Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60; email:
Secretariat of the scientific council
Mirzayev Rakhim Odiljonovich’s defense of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation (agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.11 - “Storage and processing of agricultural products” on theme “Scientific substantiation of the use of sorghum (Sorghum) processed waste as a feed raw material” under the scientific council awarding scientific degrees DSc.05/29.04.2022.Qx.13.04 at the Tashkent state agrarian university, will be held at the meeting of the scientific council on January 10th, 2023 at 1100.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building; Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60; email:
Secretariat of the scientific council
Abdusattorov Bahtiyorjon Abdugappor ugli’s defense of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation (agricultural sciences) according to the specialty 06.01.11 - “Storage and processing of agricultural products” under the scientific council awarding scientific degrees dsc.05/29.04.2022.QX.13.04 at the Tashkent state agrarian university, will be held at the meeting of the scientific council on December 6th, 2022 at 1000.
Address: 100164, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street, 2nd building Tel: (+99871) 260-48-00; fax: (+99871) 260-38-60, email:;
On mау 4, 2021, at 1400, at the meeting of the scientific council DSc.05/28.08.2020.Qx.13.03 at Tashkent state agrarian university online the defense of the thesis by Ibrokhimov Bakhodir Akmal ugli entitled Improvement of some elements of the technology for introduction and cultivation of okra from nontraditional vegetable crops (on the example of Tashkent region) the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on ."06.01.06 – Vegetable growing” specialization will be held.
Link to ZOOM:
On Yanvary 14, 2021, at 1300, at the meeting of the scientific council DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 at Tashkent state agrarian university online the defense of the thesis by Normatov Bakhodir Ismoilovich Distribution of fungal diseases of mulberry in the Surkhandarya region and control measures against them "06.01.09 - Plant protection" for the degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) on agricultural sciences in the specialty of plant protection.
Link to ZOOM:
Scientific councilsecretary
On january 21, 2021 y. at 1300 an online Scientific Council meeting under the number of DSc.05 / 30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 at Tashkent State Agrarian University the defense of the thesis of Utapov Ne’matullo Egamqulovich entitled “Development of the scientific based ultra-low volume (ULV) spraying of chemical pesticides against locusts” presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.09 – Plants protection specialization will be held.
Scientific council secretary
In January 7 2021 at 1200 hours at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the ground floor) the defence of the thesis of Rustamov Аnvar Аxmatovich entitled “Reproduction of Bracon Hebetor say paraside in artificial feeding against (Lepidodoptera) worms” presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.09 – Plants protection specialization will be held.
Scientific council secretary
In January 7 2021 at 1000 hours at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the ground floor) the defence of the thesis of Norqulov Aliddin Nomoz o’g’li entitled “Methods of managing the number of pests in pea bisenosis in dry land conditions of Jizzakh region” presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.09 – Plants protection specialization will be held.
Scientific council secretary
In 10th december 2020 year at 1300 hours at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the ground floor) the defence of the thesis of Masharipov Ulugbek Anvarovich entitled “Bioecology of the city longhorn (Aeolesthes sarta Sols.) in forest and ornamental trees and improvement of their number management” presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.09 – Plants protection specialization will be held.
Scientific council secretary
On December 10, 2020 at 15:00, at the meeting of the Academic Council of the Tashkent State Agrarian University DSc.05 / 30.12.2019.Qx.13.01, a presentation of the scientific report of Jumaniyazov Farkhod Kodamovich will take place on the topic “Seed reproduction and improvement of cotton varieties adapted to the condition of Khorezm region”, 06.01.05 - Selection and seed production (agricultural sciences) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the basis of a selection achievement (patent for an invention) without defending a thesis.
Link ZООМ:
Scientific council secretary
On December 3, 2020, at 1300, at the meeting of the scientific council DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 at Tashkent state agrarian university online the defense of the thesis by Kamol Shavkievich Mamatov will take place on the topic "Improvement of scientific proven methods and means of complex pest control of greenhouses tomatoes" In the specialty "06.01.09 - Plant protection" for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (DSc) in the specialty of plant protection 06.01.09.
Link to ZOOM:
Scientific councilsecretary
In December 3 2020 at 1530 hours at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the ground floor) the defence of the thesis of Musaeva Gulbakhor Maksudovna “Production of the system to determine the damaging degrees with grain Eurygaster integriceps and Puccinia striioformis diseases” presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.09 – Plants protection specialization will be held.
Scientific council secretary
The defense of the dissertation will be held on 3rd of December 2020 year at 1600 o’clock at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/28.08.2020. Qx.13.03 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university of Malikov Azim Ne’matovich’s entitled «Selection of promising wine vareieties and hubrids of grapes and improvement of their cultivation technology» presented for obtaining of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) on agricultural sciences on 06.01.07 – Horticulture and Viticulture specializations will be held.
Link of ZООМ:
Scientific council secretary
The defense of the dissertation will be held on 3rd of December 2020 year at 1700 o’clock at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/28.08.2020. Qx.13.03 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the 1st floor) of Nurmatov Norqobil Jurayevich ’s entitled « Growing technology and scientific fundamentals of selection of tomatoes (L. esculentum mill.) aimed at early maturing and adaptive ability » presented for obtaining the doctor of science (DSc) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.06- Vegetable growing 06.01.05-Breeding and Seed Production specializations will be held.
Link of ZООМ:
Scientific council secretary
The defense of the dissertation will be held on 26th November 2020 year at 1300 o’clock at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the 1st floor) of Xasanov Saydinabi Saydivalievich’s entitled «Bioecological characteristics of pathogenic fungi species and measures to combat them in Solanum Lycopersicum L. and Сucumis Sativus crops grown in greenhouses of Tashkent region» presented for obtaining the doctor of science (DSc) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.09 – Plants protection specialization will be held.
Scientific council secretary
On November 26, 2020 at 1530 an online Scientific Council meeting under the number of DSc.05 / 30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 at Tashkent State Agrarian University the defense of the thesis of Ruzmetov Rasul Sobirovich entitled “Basics of application GIS technology in systems to combat pest and diseases” presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.09 – Plants protection specialization will be held.
Scientific council secretary
September 26, 2020 at 14:00 in the conference room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (main building, 1st floor). At the Scientific Seminar at the Scientific Council Dsc. 05/28.08.2020.Qx.13.03 a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 06.01.06 - Vegetable growing by Mirzasoliev Mirzaosimjon Mirzasoypovich on the topic "Development of technology elements for onion cultivation in re-culture through seedlings"
August 26, 2020 at 14:00 in the conference room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (main building, 1st floor). At the Scientific Seminar at the Scientific Council Dsc. 06/27/2017 No. 13.01 a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production by Khamidullaeva Tokhir Khamidullovich on the topic "Creation of source material for cotton breeding based on ecological-geographical long-term hybridization"
In August 14 2020 at 1400 hours at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the ground floor) the defence of the thesis of Mardanov Husniddin Xalbazarovich entitled “Determining of the resistance of the cotton varieties of G.barbadadense and G.hirsutum species and reccomendation into production” presented for a degree of doctor (DSc) on agricultural sciences on 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production
Scientific council secretary
The defense of the dissertation will be held on 29th of July 2020 year at 1500 o’clock at the meeting of the single-time Scientific Council on the basis of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the 1st floor) of Odinayev Mirzamad Isayevich’s entitled «Agrobiological, technological evaluation and improvement of drying technology of raisin (Germian) grape varieties» presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.11- Storage and processing of agricultural products specialization will be held.
Link of ZООМ:
Scientific council secretary
The defense of the dissertation will be held on 28th of July 2020 year at 1400 o’clock at the meeting of the single-time Scientific Council on the basis of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the 1st floor) of Azizov Aktam Sharipovich’s entitled «Scientific justification for the selection, cultivation and use of sugar sorghum varieties as a renewable energy raw materials» presented for obtaining the doctor of science (DSc) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.11- Storage and processing of agricultural products specialization will be held.
Link of ZООМ:
Scientific council secretary
The defense of the dissertation will be held on 29th of July 2020 year at 1300 o’clock at the meeting of the single-time Scientific Council on the basis of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the 1st floor) of Umidov Shavkat Ergashevich’s entitled «Agro biological, technological features of succulent pumpkin varieties (Cucurbita L.) and the scientific justification for obtaining juice » presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.11- Storage and processing of agricultural products specialization will be held.
Link of ZООМ:
Scientific council secretary
The defense of the dissertation will be held on 20th July 2020 year at 1100 o’clock at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the 1st floor) of Khurramov Alisher Gayratovich’s entitled «Fungal diseases of ornamental trees in Tashkent city and Tashkent region and the plant protection of them» presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.01.09 – Plants protection specialization will be held.
Scientific council secretary
July 11, 2020 at 1100 hours in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01
Abduvosiqova Lola Abdujamilovna «Methods for Controlling the number of Lepidoptera represwentatives in the cabbage agrobiocenosis» specialty 06.01.09 – Piant protection for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences.
Secretary of Scientific council
July 10, 2020 at 1100 hours in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01
Abduramanova Salomat Khudaybergenovna «The in vitro micropropagation of prospective cherry rootstocks and improvement of plant tissue culture media composition» and Abdumuminova Rano Norbuvaevna preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Improving the technology for increasing peach (рersica vulgaris) productivity in the conditions of the funding zone of Zarafshan оаzis” specialty 06.01.07 - Fruit Production and Viticulture for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences.
Secretary of Scientific council
In June 13, 2020 at 1400 hours at the conference room of the Tashkent state agrarian university, the Scientific council DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01. will hold an online defense of dissertation work by Merganov Avazxon Turgunovich on the theme «Production of healthy primary seed materials in potato growing and operating fundamental aspects of intensive technology» presented for obtaining a Doctor’s degree (DSc) in agricultural sciences, specializing on 06.01.05-Breeding and seed production.
Secretary of Scientific council
In June 12 2020 at 1700 hours at the meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 in the conference room of Tashkent state agrarian university (Main building, the ground floor) the defense of the thesis of Ubaydullayev Farkhod Bakhtiyarullayevich entitled “Creation cultivation agrotechnics of horse chestnut and sophora japanese seedlings” presented for obtaining the doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural sciences on 06.03.01 – Forest cultures. Selection, seed growing and gardening of cities. Agroforestry and protective afforestation specialization will be held.
Scientific council secretary
On June 12, 2020 at 14:00 in Tashkent State Agrarian University at a single-time meeting of the Academic Council on the basis of the Academic Council DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01 on the topics “Agro biological, technological features of succulent pumpkin varieties (Cucurbita L.) and the scientific justification for obtaining juice” by Umidov Shavkat Ergashevich and “Agrobiological, technological evaluation and improvement of drying technology of raisin (Germian) grape varieties” by Odinayev Mirzamad Isayevich will be held online defense of the dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 06.01.11- Storage and processing of agricultural products.
Secretariat of the scientific seminar
In June 6, 2020 at 1400 hours at the conference room of the Tashkent state agrarian university, the Scientific council DSc.05/30.12.2019.Qx.13.01. will hold an online defense of dissertation work by Yuldasheva Rano Abdurashidovna on the theme «Вreeding of cotton varieties with high level of (+)-gossypol in seeds and combining of high parameters of valuable agronomic traits» presented for obtaining a Doctor’s degree (DSc) in agricultural sciences, specializing on 06.01.05-Breeding and seed production.
Secretary of Scientific council
On February 4th, 2020, a one-time scientific seminar on the specialty 06.01.11 - "Storage and processing of agricultural products" by Azizov Aktam Sharipovich will be held in the meeting hall (st floor of the main building) of Tashkent state University 1400. At the scientific Council, the cipher is DSc.27.06.2017.Qx.13.01 on the topic "Scientific justification of bioethanol production methods and evaluation of technological features of sugar sorghum varieties (Sorghum scharatum)" for obtaining the title of doctor of agricultural Sciences (DSc)
Secretariat of the scientific seminar
Shodmonova Gulnoza Erkinovna’S PRELIMINARY DEFENSE WILL BE HELD ON THE TOPIC “Developing new breeding material resistant to (Helicoverpa armigera) оn the basе of BT cotton ” SPECIALTY 06.01.05 - SELECTION AND SEED-GROWING OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES.
Scientific Workshop Secretariat
January 23, 2020 at 1400 hours in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific council secretariat at the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.Qx.13.01. Khaytmuratov Arslanbek Fayzullayevich’s defense will be held on the topic “Harmful entomofauna of pasture plants of southern and central regions of Uzbekistan and development of control methods against them” specialty 06.01.09 – “Plant protection” for a doctorate (DSc) in agricultural sciences.
Scientific Workshop Secretariat
January 23, 2020 at 1530 hours in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.Qx.13.0. “Orazbayeva Gulmira Egambergenovna’s preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Inheritance of natural leafletness and interaction with the morphological signs of cotton” specialty 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences.
Scientific Workshop Secretariat
January 23, 2020 at 1630 hours in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.Qx.13.0. “Ergashev Orif Rakhmatullaevich’s preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Adaptability of a promising cotton variety UzFA-710 to various soil and climatic conditions and implementation” specialty 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences.
Scientific Workshop Secretariat
January 17, 2020 at 14:00 in the conference room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (main building, 1st floor). At the Scientific Seminar at the Scientific Council Dsc. 06/27/2017 No. 13.01 the scientific dissertations of the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (DSc) Merganov Avazkhon Turgunovich on the topic "Development of the basic elements of the technology for creating and accelerated reproduction of healthy source material in potato seed production" and also for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 06.01 .05 - Breeding and seed production, Khamidullaev Tokhir Khamidullovich on the topic "Creating a source material for cotton breeding based on Ecological and geographical long-term hybridization"
Scientific Workshop Secretariat
December 13, 2019 at 1400 hours in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.Qx.13.01,Orazbayeva Gulmira Egambergenovna’s preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Inheritance of natural leafletness and interaction with the morphochological signs of cotton " specialty 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production.
Secretary of scientific seminar.
On November 1, 2019 at 1400 in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1 st floor) during scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017. Qx. 13.01 Kurbonov Abrorjon Yorkinovich preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Creating a selection material that has resistance to pathogens of the genus Fusarium and Verticillium of popular cotton type G.hirsutum L.” for obtane (DSс) in agriculture specialty 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production and Ablazova Moxichexra Mirakbarovna preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Improvement of methods for the use of entomopathogenic fungi against whitefly and aphid in greenhouse conditions” for obtane (PhD) in agriculture specialty 06.0109-Plant protection.
October 4, 2019 at 1400 in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.Qx.13.01, Mamutov Bakhram Khojaniyazovich’s preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Perspective ways of creating forest cultures in the mountains of Uzbekistan by planting material with a closed root system” specialty 06.03.01 - Forest cultures. Selection, seed growing and gardening of cities. Agroforestry and protective afforestation.
Secretary of scientific seminar.
October 3, 2019 at 1400 hours in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.Qx.13.01, Yusupov Nuriddin Кhasanovich’s preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Developing initial material and varieties of bread wheat for irrigated land” specialty 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production.
Secretary of scientific seminar.
October 3, 2019 at 1400 hours in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.Qx.13.01, Ergasheva Sayyora Zafarjonovna’s preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Effectiveness of intermutant hybridization to improve earliness of upland cotton” specialty 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production.
Secretary of scientific seminar
September 12, 2019 at 1400 hours in the meeting room of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Administrative building, 1st floor) at the scientific seminar at the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.Qx.13.01, Sharipov Shukhrat Tulkinovich’s preliminary defense will be held on the topic “Influence periods of storage for seeds sowing quality of cotton plant " specialty 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production.
Secretary of scientific seminar
On August 15, 2019 at 09:30 in the conference hall of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Main Building, 1st floor) at the Scientific Council under the Scientific Council of the Tashkent State Agrarian University no.27.06.2017.Qx.13.01 will take place the presentations Eshmuratov Elbrus Gaybullaevich's on the theme: «Establishment of integrated protection system against sucking parasites of the melon crops in Karakalpakstan conditions» on the specialty 06.01.09 – Plants protection and Turaeva Dilfuza Bahtiyоrovna on the theme: «The importance o
- Toshkent davlat agrar universitetiga qarashli Bo‘stonliq tumanida joylashgan 5,4 gektar maydonda davlat xususiy-sheriklik asosida «Yusufxona» o‘quv amaliyoti va dam olish maskanini tashkil etish konsepsiyasi loyihasi - Batafsil (26.10.2024)
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 7-iyuldagi PQ-216-son qarori bilan tasdiqlangan Agrar sohada ilm-fan, ta’lim va ishlab chiqarishni integratsiyalash hamda uning samaradorligini oshirish bo‘yicha «Yo‘l xaritasi»ning 40-bandiga muvofiq Universitetda o‘zining mehnat faoliyatini olib borayotgan ilmiy, ilmiy-pedagog xodimlari, yosh tadqiqotchilari va ishchi – xizmatchilarining uy-joy sharoitlarini yaxshilash maqsadida 0,5 ga yer maydonidagi avariya holatidagi bokslar o‘rnida kamida 150 xonadondan iborat bo‘lgan arzon narxlardagi turar-joy majmuasini xususiy investorlarning yoki universitet xodimlarining mablag‘larini paychilik asosida jalb etgan holda 2024-yilning oxiriga qadar qurish belgilangan.
Shu munosabat bilan Toshkent davlat agrar universiteti tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan texnik xujjat, texnik topshiriqga asoson Universitetning 0,5 ga yer maydonidagi avariya holatidagi bokslar o‘rnida kamida 150 xonadondan iborat bo‘lgan arzon narxlardagi turar-joy majmuasini xususiy investorlarni jalb qililamiz. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi qonun va qarorlariga, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi davlat yekspertiza xulosasi, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qurilish qoydalariga, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qurilish va uy-joy kommunal xizmat ko‘rsatish vazirligi tafsiyalariga amal qilgan xolda 15 ish kun ichida universitet devonhonasi investor tashkilot to‘risida ma‘lumot va takliflarni qabul qiladi. (O‘zbek tili va Rus tillarda)
Toshkent davlat agrar universiteti tomonidan e’lon qilingan “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 7-iyuldagi PQ-216-son qaroriga muvofiq Universitetning 0,5 ga yer maydonidagi avariya holatidagi bokslar o‘rnida kamida 150 xonadondan iborat bo‘lgan arzon narxlardagi turar-joy majmuasini qurish uchun investorni jalb etish bo‘yicha” o‘tkazilgan tanlov savdolari natijasiga ko‘ra “SC MEGADOM” mas’uliyati cheklangan jamiyati g‘olib deb topilganligi hamda zahiradagi investor etib “UNITRANSS” mas’uliyati cheklangan jamiyati belgilanganligi ma’lum qilinadi.
Asos: Toshkent davlat agrur univesitetining Uy-joy komissiyasining 2024 yil 16 apreldagi yig‘ilishi bayoni.
Murojaat uchun: Xakimov Yashnar Abdullayevich
Tel: +998 71 260 4382
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