- 5230100 - Economy(in agriculture) - view/download
- 5230400 - Marketing (agriculture) - view/download
- 5230900 - Accounting and auditing (in agriculture) - view/download
- 5232500 - Logistics (agrologistics) - view/download
- 5233300 - Agribusiness and investment activities - view/download
- 5310900 - Metrology, standardization and product quality management (by industry) - view/download
- 5311000 - Automation and control of technological processes and production (in agriculture) - view/download
- 5320500 - Biotechnology (by industry) - view/download
- 5410100 - Agrochemistry and agro-soil science - view/download
- 5410200 - Agronomy (by types of agricultural products)- view/download
- 5410300 - Plant protection (by crop type) - view/download
- 5410400 - Selection and seed production of agricultural crops (by types of crops)- view/download
- 5410500 - Technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products (by types of products) - view/download
- 5410600 - Zooengineering (fishing) - view/download
- 5410600 - Zooengineering (beekeeping)- view/download
- 5410800 - Forestry - view/download
- 5410900 - Silk and mulberry - view/download
- 5411000 - Fruit growing and viticulture - view/download
- 5411100 - Technology of cultivation and processing of medicinal plants - view/download
- 5411200 - Landscape gardening and landscaping- view/download
- 5411500 - Plant and agricultural quarantine - view/download
- 5411600 - Vegetable growing, horticulture and potato growing - view/download
- 5411700 - Organization and management of greenhouses - view/download
- 5610300 - Tourism(agritourism) - view/download
- 5630100 - Ecology and environmental protection (in agriculture) - view/download