08.06.2024 00:00
Yesterday at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, under the leadership of the Minister of Agriculture I. Abdurakhmanov, higher education, scientific research and professional training within the framework of the Ministry and the Republican organizations within its system
a meeting was held on the effective organization of the activities of the institutions. The meeting agenda is as follows:
I. On the priority tasks to be implemented in order to improve the activities of professional educational institutions.
II. On the priority tasks to be implemented in order to improve the activities of higher education and scientific research institutions.
III.Various issues.
After the meeting, the Minister of Agriculture I. Abdurakhmanov gave instructions, recommendations and tasks to those responsible for the activities of the Tashkent State Agrarian University, preparation for the new academic year, as well as increasing the efficiency of scientific and research work, effective use of resource-efficient technologies giving passed.