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An online conference was held through the zoom platform with the participation of professors and teachers of Tashkent State Agrarian University and ANDONG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY of South Korea.

01.03.2024 00:00

An online conference was held through the zoom platform with the participation of professors and teachers of Tashkent State Agrarian University and ANDONG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY of South Korea.

Within the framework of the international project "Smart-AI in Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Republic of Korea: application of intelligent bee family system technology and development and improvement of beekeeping resources" with the participation of professors and teachers of Tashkent State Agrarian University and ANDONG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY of South Korea through the zoom platform an online conference was held. During the conference, organizing the production practice of 3-4 stage students of Zooengineering (Beekeeping) at ANDONG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY on April 1-27, 2024. An agreement was reached on the placement of educational laboratories "Preparation of protein feed from pollen" in the educational building of the Faculty of Zoology, repair of laboratory rooms and purchase of necessary laboratory furniture.