10.09.2024 00:00
A team of 30 talented young students led by Professor S.Avazov, Head of the Department of Agricultural Phytopathology of Tashkent State Agrarian University, arrived at the Wenzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China for training. The management of Wenzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology held a high-level session meeting with our professors and teachers and students. At the beginning of the session, the vice president of Wenzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology Mr. Xia Caugao opened the meeting and introduced the session participants one by one. Then, in his speech, he explained in detail the history, future plans and high potential of this educational institution among the universities of the People's Republic of China. After that, the director of the college, Mr. Lu Huijing, introduced the high-ranking guest professor S.Avazov from Tashkent State Agar University to the management of the university, professors and young Chinese researchers, and gave the floor to professor S.Avazov. At the beginning of his speech, Ustoz expressed his gratitude to the leaders of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Uzbekistan, who opened such great opportunities for young people, and noted that cooperation, friendly relations and mutually beneficial relations between these two countries are rapidly developing, as a result of which 30 students emphasized that they had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with their Chinese peers. As a result of this training program, he emphasized that the true partnership between the two universities in the field of education is very important, wished everyone good luck and suggested that in the next programs, wide-scale dialogues at all levels will definitely continue actively in New Uzbekistan. Tashkent State Agrarian University informed the meeting participants that its doors are open. After that, the young students introduced themselves and got answers to all their questions.